It’s Hard To Make a Stand When I’m Damned If Do, Damned If I Don’t.

      “Such a thin line between standing up for

        What is right, and spinning love to rage”

          ~Sunnie Haeger/Over and Over


This is my life right now, I’ve always struggled to find a balance between standing up for myself, keeping the peace, not going crazy….but in the end, it’s easiest and healthiest to walk away, no matter how much it hurts. Ugh, it’s not easy being an activist, it’s not easy to stand up to injustice, and it’s hard as hell to draw boundaries with people you think you love and should have your back. But in the end, my sanity is what is at stake. I will not live the rest of my life in turmoil. All I want is some peace in my heart, joy in my life, and for certain people (abusers, narcissists, sociopaths, war criminals,  and just plain mean and ignorant people) -to be held accountable. So, here is a summary of the conversations I’ve had the last few months. Pretty much sums it all up:

Them: Take time for yourself during all of this.

Me: ok I will

Them: You’re so selfish!

Them: Do what’s in your heart, whatever feels right.

Me: ok so this is my plan…..

Them: Not that!! Have you thought this through?

Them: Stand up for yourself!

Me:? Um, I’m trying, but….

Them: God don’t be such a psycho b*tch!

Them: Ok then, tread lightly, don’t poke the bear, don’t take it so personally, just brush it under the rug.

Me:  Walks around with a heavy heart full of resentment, prone to awkward crying spells,  or sleeping all day. Meanwhile people have no problem  pushing my buttons.

Them: Why are you so sensitive? 

Me: Still trying to be kind and hopeful, loving, empathetic and fun while dodging daggers. 

I’d like to sign off with my usual: Peace, Love, and Namaste.

But instead I’d like to sign off with:

F*ck off all you hypocrites that think you know what’s best for me or the whole world. 

But, to my followers who also get me: 

I love you and I hear you, see you, feel you, and I’m always in your corner. You make a difference. You bring me love.

So, Peace, Love, and Namaste  to you peeps who get it, 

Sunnie 💛💛💛✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼

 #itshardtomakeastand #Adultingwoes #overandoverbysunnie #piecesinthedark #sunniemusic #Sherylcrowhardtomakeastand #noonesaiditwouldbeeasy


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