The Princess and the Orchid

 Today I came home from work to find these two treasures waiting for me: my favorite princess gracing the cover of People magazine, and a purple orchid from my wonderful boyfriend.  The orchid was a beautiful surprise and also ironic; I'd just been telling some friends about the orchid my stepdad gave me after my surgery last year.  That orchid bloomed all winter, and then a few months ago it just stopped, and no matter how I nurtured it, those promising little green buds never turned into anything. Imagine my delight when I awoke from a much needed nap to see this gorgeous plant on my dresser full of glorious pink and purple blossoms. I asked Don, "Is this my one year since my surgery anniversary present"?  His reply: "Sort of, and you've just been having such a hard time lately, you deserve it. I love you so much honey, you are so courageous and strong". Wow! After giving him the biggest hug ever, I  burst into tears, because that's what courageous and strong people do. We are not afraid to show our emotions, we proudly wear our hearts on our sleeves.  And Princess Diana on the cover of People? So fitting, because she was hands down (in my opinion) the strongest and most courageous woman to ever walk this earth. She, too, was one who wore her heart on her sleeve. She was sensitive and broken and tortured, yet through it all she lived her short life with such grace, dignity, and generosity.  She was so strong despite all the scrutiny she endured, and such a role model for me and other young women.  The day she died was the first time I became aware of my own mortality, and I mourned her death like I had lost my best friend. It was such a senseless tragedy, and such a heartbreaking loss for the entire world.  I can't believe it's been 20 years. Imagine if she would have survived that ridiculous car accident. Twenty more years she could have continued her mission to help the suffering children who were victims of landmines or aids. Twenty more years to give boundless love to her darling sons that are now amazing men.  Twenty years she may have spent with a new love, and twenty years she could've continued to be my inspiration.  So today, as I looked at her picture and my new lovely and unexpected orchid, I realized how utterly grateful I am for every day, no matter now much difficulty I endure. My boyfriend is so right (not to mention awesome for noticing) -  I have had a rough few days, a rough few weeks, a rough few years. There is a big part of me that is irreparably wounded and hurt and disappointed by certain life events, and yet he continues to stand by me and support me through it all. If only Princess Di would have had someone like that, someone that saw the broken beauty in her and still loved her unconditionally. Perhaps she might still be with us. We sure could use someone like her in these crazy days, someone who cares about the little people and the less fortunate, someone with universal compassion. Tonight as I ponder the frustrating things that unravelled today and yesterday and the last few years, I think about the kindness so many people have shown me lately and how much I appreciate it, now more than ever. Without the support and love of my boyfriend, my family (and his),  my rock solid groovy fantastic friends (you know who you are), well....I don't know where I may have ended up.  I am beginning to see that there really is a miracle in every day, and that it can all be gone in the blink of an eye. As much as I love my new pink and purple orchid, if I lived near Diana's memorial I would leave it there for her, with a note saying, "Thank you for teaching me how to be a lovely and kind human being, thank you for showing me it is okay to have a great big sensitive heart, and thank you for leaving behind such a radiant legacy".  As it is, I will treasure the little (or maybe long) time I will have with this colorful orchid, and all the hope, love, and beauty it represents.

Peace, Love, and Namaste,


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